Spring City Baptist Church – Spring City, TN

Click on RV to see set-up needed for our upcoming meeting.

Click on RV to see set-up needed for our upcoming meeting

All of the below forms and worker’s instructions need to be printed for our upcoming Family Crusade. Click on the picture, and when it opens you can either print the form from the internet, or you can save it to your computer and then print.

24-Hour Prayer Wheel

Include Church members, shut-in’s, missionaries, and others who will commit to pray for our upcoming Family Crusade.

Prayer and Prospect List

Print one for each member in your Church

Encourage your people to bring their completed list to church on the Sunday morning of Family Crusade. During the invitation time, they can bring their list to the altar for a special time of prayer.

Press Release

Prize List

Why Minister to Young People Bulletin Insert

Feel free to print a pre-meeting reminder on the back, and then cut in half to make two copies.

Promotional Poster

This poster can be printed and placed around your building and in local businesses, as well as an invitation card printed for people to hand out on visitation and to their family and friends.

Family Portrait

Ministry Info

Teacher Training Record

We recommend the use of this form during our pre-meeting. It needs to be completed, and signed by all who attend the meeting, and then placed in a permanent file for possible use in the future.

3 Main Questions

Print on both sides and cut in half to make two copies. These half sheets are needed for the pre-meeting on Sunday afternoon, and should NOT be stapled to the counseling notes. Each person who is helping with counseling will need a copy.

Leading Children to Christ Notes

Print and staple for pre-meeting on Sunday afternoon. Each person helping with the invitation time will need a complete set.

Worker’s Sign-up List

Visitors Contest

Greeter’s Instructions

Registration Instructions