December 3, 2013 – Good News Reflections

December 3, 2013

Dear Praying Friends,

Your prayers for us have been such an encouragement!  We have heard from many of you and appreciate your concern. 

St. Augustine Road Baptist Church has been a blessing!  They have allowed us to hook-up our 5th Wheel on their property for as long as we are here at the Mayo Clinic.  They have “adopted” us and treated us as family.  We had a sweet time over Thanksgiving as one of the families invited us to their home.  Another family brought us a meal from Bob Evans.  A family from Tennessee (who supports our ministry) was visiting here in Florida over Thanksgiving, and stopped by to take us out to dinner.  Isn’t it awesome when God uses the kindness of His family to encourage us!

Upcoming Appointments

We met with the doctor on Monday, and the MRI of Susan’s pelvis came back normal. She has a small fibroid tumor, but it is not big enough to warrant surgery at this time (1 ½ cm).  They found endometriosis on the Ultrasound, but the MRI showed that it is not active.  We praise God for the good news that she does not need surgery on her pelvis. 

On Friday morning (December 6th), Susan is scheduled to have a thyroidectomy (removal of her entire thyroid). Since two separate biopsies came back suspicious for cancer, the doctor thinks it is wise to go ahead with the surgery. Susan’s thyroid quit working in 1995 and she has been on thyroid replacement hormone ever since. One of the biggest concerns with this surgery is the involvement of the two nerves that control the vocal cords.  Please pray with us that God will direct Dr. Castler’s hands, and that the surgery will go well (we don’t want Susan or “Dusty” loosing their voices). 

Thanks again for your many prayers for us!

Reaching Families for Him,

Tim, Susan, and Rachel Vermaas

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